Tuesday, August 19, 2008

All Energy Drinks ARE NOT Created Equal

Today you hear all kinds of things about Energy Drinks. A lot of what you hear about them is bad. To much caffeine, to much sugar, people get the jitters, the hard crash and burn when it wears off etc.

In most cases this is probably right for most people. However there is a difference in today's Energy Drinks. They Are Not ALL The Same. There is one energy drink that stands out from the crowd. VERVE!

VERVE! Energy Drink shatters the typical energy drink mold by providing you not only with your energy needs, but also providing you with daily nutrition. You can get the energy boost you are looking for, but also get a daily supply of Vitamins and Minerals. This chart shows the difference between VERVE! and other Energy Drinks on the market. See for yourself.

I wanted to try it first and see for myself, so I bought a case of it. I don't promote any product unless I am a user of the product and I can believe that the product does what it says it will do. Well I'm here to tell you that VERVE! is great. Most energy drinks leave a weird taste in your mouth after you drink them, but VERVE! does not. It has a great taste and the fact that it contains Vitamins and Minerals makes it even better.

VERVE! is available in 12, 24, and 48-packs and is shipped directly from our manufacturer's warehouse straight to your door. Also available in "Sugar Free"
**Available only in the US and Canada (right now)

So if you are looking for a refreshing NEW kind of Energy Drink that doesn't leave you with a big Crash and Burn afterwards, give VERVE! a try. It's like No Other Energy Drink you have tried. Tastes good and is good for you.