Saturday, September 6, 2008

Which Supplement Form Should You Take? Pill or Liquid?

Everyone needs a balance of essential nutrients from a variety of foods to stay healthy, but in today's fast-paced, always on the go society, we don’t always get a chance to sit down and eat a healthy, well-balanced meal so we substitute with supplements.

What exactly are supplements? According to the definition on Web-MD, Supplements are designed to supplement the diet. Experts recommend eating a well-balanced, healthy diet and taking supplements to fill in any nutritional gaps. Or take a once-daily supplement with minerals for nutritional insurance.

According to the website a lot of people take some kind of vitamin supplement and many people add them to their diet to maintain or boost health. But what type of form do you take? Pill form or Liquid Form?

Typically the difference between them is the rate at which your body absorbs the supplement and how quickly the supplement becomes active. For example, liquids are absorbed faster than pills.

I think that most people would probably agree that drinking a 2-4oz Liquid is faster and easier than swallowing a pill or a handful of pills, and just as stated above the absorption is much quicker as a pill has to dissolve first where a liquid goes to work right away.

Myself I take a liquid supplement every day. I don’t like swallowing pills and the fact that 90-95% of a liquid gets absorbed versus only about 25% of a pill, according to some studies, makes me feel like I get a much better benefit from the liquid versus a pill. My liquid supplement is like a liquid multi-vitamin plus it also has minerals. With just only a 2oz dose everyday I get a daily supply of Vitamins A (as beta carotene), C, E (as d-alpha tocopherol), D-3, and B Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12, plus Folic Acid, Biotin, and Pantothenic Acid. It also contains a powerful antioxidant Mangosteen Plus.

What is Mangosteen Plus?

Mangosteen Plus is a powerful, bioavailable (body-ready) formulation containing 12 full-spectrum vitamins in a base of antioxidant rich, whole fruit mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) and pericarp, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea. This proprietary formula is quite possibly the most powerful liquid antioxidant product available anywhere. Independent laboratory tests show that Mangosteen Plus provides more beta mangostin and other mangostin xanthones per ounce than the other mangosteen products.

Mangosteen is a rare, tangerine-sized fruit, and is grown in a limited and primarily tropical Southeast Asia, and has strict growing conditions, and has only recently been made available in North America. Mangosteen is thought to have been traditionally used by natural health providers for thousands of years.

Hopefully this post has given you some type of insight as to which type or form of supplements could be better. If the absorption quickness is an important factor to you, then I think you would agree that a Liquid Supplement would be better than pill form.

I would like to invite you to try the Liquid Supplement that I use. It has a great taste and you can buy it in 30-day supplies of pre-mixed 2 oz. bottles, so it is very easy to take. Just give it a good shake and enjoy! If you would like to give it a try just visit:

My Liquid Vitamin Supplement