Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Weight Loss Excuses-How to Get Rid of Them Once and For All!

We all have our excuses for not starting that new diet and finally getting ourselves into shape.  We have many reasons for wanting to be slimmer - more energy, better health, looking better, more self esteem - but we can come up with even more excuses for not losing weight.  Some of these excuses are:

1.  I have Kids -  It seems to me that having a family would be incentive to stay healthier and be more active.  You have to cook for your kids, so feed them healthier foods.  In America alone, 16% - 33% of children aged 6 - 19 are obese.  Do you want YOUR kids to face the same problems you have when they are adults?

2.  I have to cook "normal" meals for the rest of the family.  Set an example with the healthier foods you eat.  Maybe they will gradually switch.

3.  I don't have time to shop.  Where does all the junky food you prepare for other family members come from?  Buy your stuff at the same time.

4.  It costs more money.  If you cut out the high calorie, high fat foods, with no nutritional value, and replace them with fresh, nutritious foods, you can actually save money.

5.  I don't really eat that much. Keep a Daily Food Log for two weeks.  You can find a free one online at  You will be amazed at the patterns that emerge.

6.  I don't have time to exercise.  You probably just don't like to exercise.  I don't, either.  But I love to line dance.  So that's how I exercise.  Find something physical you love to do, and do it.

7.  When I go to lunch with my friends, they eat great stuff and I feel deprived.  Their waistlines and arteries will suffer, not yours.  There's an old saying, "Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels."  Put it on your refrigerator and in your wallet.

8.  I eat when I'm depressed.  If you want to be REALLY be depressed, look in your mirror.  If you're depressed, get help.  Eating something will just make you more depressed because you gave up your control over yourself.

To successfully lose weight, you have to be in control.  The first time you say "NO" to that cookie will be hard, but you're sense of accomplishment, after the urge has passed, will make you feel a lot better about yourself than eating that cookie would have.